@@ -389,14 +389,13 @@ ReturnOpenvpnOutput(HANDLE pipe, HANDLE ovpn_output, DWORD count, LPHANDLE event
* Validate options against a white list. Also check the config_file is
* inside the config_dir. The white list is defined in validate.c
- * Returns true on success
+ * Returns true on success, false on error with reason set in errmsg.
static BOOL
-ValidateOptions(HANDLE pipe, const WCHAR *workdir, const WCHAR *options)
+ValidateOptions(HANDLE pipe, const WCHAR *workdir, const WCHAR *options, WCHAR *errmsg, DWORD capacity)
WCHAR **argv;
int argc;
- WCHAR buf[256];
int i;
const WCHAR *msg1 = L"You have specified a config file location (%s relative to %s)"
@@ -411,8 +410,9 @@ ValidateOptions(HANDLE pipe, const WCHAR *workdir, const WCHAR *options)
if (!argv)
- ReturnLastError(pipe, L"CommandLineToArgvW");
- ReturnError(pipe, ERROR_STARTUP_DATA, L"Cannot validate options", 1, &exit_event);
+ openvpn_swprintf(errmsg, capacity,
+ L"Cannot validate options: CommandLineToArgvW failed with error = 0x%08x",
+ GetLastError());
goto out;
@@ -432,9 +432,8 @@ ValidateOptions(HANDLE pipe, const WCHAR *workdir, const WCHAR *options)
if (!CheckOption(workdir, 2, argv_tmp, &settings))
- openvpn_swprintf(buf, _countof(buf), msg1, argv[0], workdir,
+ openvpn_swprintf(errmsg, capacity, msg1, argv[0], workdir,
- ReturnError(pipe, ERROR_STARTUP_DATA, buf, 1, &exit_event);
goto out;
@@ -450,15 +449,13 @@ ValidateOptions(HANDLE pipe, const WCHAR *workdir, const WCHAR *options)
if (wcscmp(L"--config", argv[i]) == 0 && argc-i > 1)
- openvpn_swprintf(buf, _countof(buf), msg1, argv[i+1], workdir,
+ openvpn_swprintf(errmsg, capacity, msg1, argv[i+1], workdir,
- ReturnError(pipe, ERROR_STARTUP_DATA, buf, 1, &exit_event);
- openvpn_swprintf(buf, _countof(buf), msg2, argv[i],
+ openvpn_swprintf(errmsg, capacity, msg2, argv[i],
- ReturnError(pipe, ERROR_STARTUP_DATA, buf, 1, &exit_event);
goto out;
@@ -1487,6 +1484,7 @@ RunOpenvpn(LPVOID p)
size_t cmdline_size;
undo_lists_t undo_lists;
ring_buffer_handles_t ring_buffer_handles;
+ WCHAR errmsg[512] = L"";
.nLength = sizeof(inheritable),
@@ -1580,10 +1578,17 @@ RunOpenvpn(LPVOID p)
goto out;
- /* Check user is authorized or options are white-listed */
- if (!IsAuthorizedUser(ovpn_user->User.Sid, imp_token, settings.ovpn_admin_group)
- && !ValidateOptions(pipe, sud.directory, sud.options))
+ /*
+ * Only authorized users are allowed to use any command line options or
+ * have the config file in locations other than the global config directory.
+ *
+ * Check options are white-listed and config is in the global directory
+ * OR user is authorized to run any config.
+ */
+ if (!ValidateOptions(pipe, sud.directory, sud.options, errmsg, _countof(errmsg))
+ && !IsAuthorizedUser(ovpn_user->User.Sid, imp_token, settings.ovpn_admin_group))
+ ReturnError(pipe, ERROR_STARTUP_DATA, errmsg, 1, &exit_event);
goto out;