@@ -454,62 +454,41 @@ msica_op_tap_interface_delete(
DWORD dwResult;
- if (session->rollback_enabled)
- {
- int count = 0;
- do {
- /* Rename the interface to keep it as a backup. */
- TCHAR szNameBackup[10/*"Interface "*/ + 10/*maximum int*/ + 1/*terminator*/];
- _stprintf_s(
- szNameBackup, _countof(szNameBackup),
- TEXT("Interface %i"),
- ++count);
- for (struct tap_interface_node *pInterfaceOther = pInterfaceList; ; pInterfaceOther = pInterfaceOther->pNext)
- {
- if (pInterfaceOther == NULL)
- {
- /* No interface with a same name found. All clear to rename the interface. */
- dwResult = tap_set_interface_name(&pInterface->guid, szNameBackup);
- break;
- }
- else if (_tcsicmp(szNameBackup, pInterfaceOther->szName) == 0)
- {
- /* Interface with a same name found. Duplicate interface names are not allowed. */
- break;
- }
- }
- } while (dwResult == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS);
+ /* Delete the interface. */
+ BOOL bRebootRequired = FALSE;
+ dwResult = tap_delete_interface(NULL, &pInterface->guid, &bRebootRequired);
+ if (bRebootRequired)
+ MsiSetMode(session->hInstall, MSIRUNMODE_REBOOTATEND, TRUE);
- if (dwResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
- /* Schedule rollback action to rename the interface back. */
- msica_op_seq_add_head(
- &session->seq_cleanup[MSICA_CLEANUP_ACTION_ROLLBACK],
- msica_op_create_guid_string(
- msica_op_tap_interface_set_name,
- 0,
- &pInterface->guid,
- pInterface->szName));
- /* Schedule commit action to delete the interface. */
- msica_op_seq_add_tail(
- &session->seq_cleanup[MSICA_CLEANUP_ACTION_COMMIT],
- msica_op_create_guid(
- msica_op_tap_interface_delete_by_guid,
- 0,
- &pInterface->guid));
- }
- }
- else
+ if (session->rollback_enabled)
- /* Delete the interface. */
- BOOL bRebootRequired = FALSE;
- dwResult = tap_delete_interface(NULL, &pInterface->guid, &bRebootRequired);
- if (bRebootRequired)
- MsiSetMode(session->hInstall, MSIRUNMODE_REBOOTATEND, TRUE);
+ /*
+ Schedule rollback action to create the interface back. Though it won't be exactly the same interface again.
+ The previous version of this function did:
+ - Execution Pass: rename the interface to some temporary name
+ - Commit/Rollback Pass: delete the interface / rename the interface back to original name
+ However, the WiX Toolset's Diffx extension to install and remove drivers removed the TAP driver between the
+ execution and commit passes. TAP driver removal makes all TAP interfaces unavailable and our CA couldn't find
+ the interface to delete any more.
+ While the system where OpenVPN was uninstalled didn't have any TAP interfaces any more as expected behaviour,
+ the problem appears after reinstalling the OpenVPN. Some residue TAP interface registry keys remain on the
+ system, causing the TAP interface to reappear as "Ethernet NN" interface next time the TAP driver is
+ installed. This causes TAP interfaces to accumulate over cyclic install-uninstall-install...
+ Therefore, it is better to remove the TAP interfaces before the TAP driver is removed, and reinstall the TAP
+ interface back should the rollback be required. I wonder if the WiX Diffx extension supports execute/commit/
+ rollback feature of MSI in the first place.
+ */
+ msica_op_seq_add_head(
+ &session->seq_cleanup[MSICA_CLEANUP_ACTION_ROLLBACK],
+ msica_op_create_string(
+ msica_op_tap_interface_create,
+ 0,
+ pInterface->szName));
return dwResult;