[Openvpn-devel,v2] t_net.sh: drop hard dependency on t_client.rc

Message ID 20200721195518.14358-1-a@unstable.cc
State Accepted
Delegated to: Gert Doering
Headers show
Series [Openvpn-devel,v2] t_net.sh: drop hard dependency on t_client.rc | expand

Commit Message

Antonio Quartulli July 21, 2020, 9:55 a.m. UTC
Right now t_net.sh depends on t_client.rc in order to source the
RUN_SUDO variable only.
However, t_client.rc is something that a few people only have configured
and thus this would result in t_net.sh almost never executed even if it
just could.

Drop dependency on t_client.rc by falling back to RUN_SUDO=sudo when the
file is missing and no RUN_SUDO is passed via env.

While at it, reword the error message to better match the current logic

Signed-off-by: Antonio Quartulli <a@unstable.cc>

Changes from v1:
* default to sudo when no RUN_SUDO is set externally
* change warning message

 tests/t_net.sh | 26 +++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)


Gert Doering July 21, 2020, 8:56 p.m. UTC | #1
Acked-by: Gert Doering <gert@greenie.muc.de>


Fixed whitespace (indent) while at it...

Your patch has been applied to the master branch.

commit e6c86b24dbe8b001dfc8b9e9c4fad95e0f5973d4
Author: Antonio Quartulli
Date:   Tue Jul 21 21:55:18 2020 +0200

     t_net.sh: drop hard dependency on t_client.rc

     Signed-off-by: Antonio Quartulli <a@unstable.cc>
     Acked-by: Gert Doering <gert@greenie.muc.de>
     Message-Id: <20200721195518.14358-1-a@unstable.cc>
     URL: https://www.mail-archive.com/openvpn-devel@lists.sourceforge.net/msg20533.html
     Signed-off-by: Gert Doering <gert@greenie.muc.de>

kind regards,

Gert Doering


diff --git a/tests/t_net.sh b/tests/t_net.sh
index c67c3df2..eef3c5d1 100755
--- a/tests/t_net.sh
+++ b/tests/t_net.sh
@@ -76,10 +76,6 @@  if [ -r "${top_builddir}"/t_client.rc ]; then
     . "${top_builddir}"/t_client.rc
 elif [ -r "${srcdir}"/t_client.rc ]; then
     . "${srcdir}"/t_client.rc
-    echo "$0: cannot find 't_client.rc' in build dir ('${top_builddir}')" >&2
-    echo "$0: or source directory ('${srcdir}'). SKIPPING TEST." >&2
-    exit 77
 if [ ! -x "$openvpn" ]; then
@@ -117,18 +113,18 @@  else
     if [ -z "$RUN_SUDO" ]
-        echo "$0: this test must run be as root, or RUN_SUDO=... " >&2
-        echo "      must be set correctly in 't_client.rc'. SKIP." >&2
-        exit 77
+        echo "$0: no RUN_SUDO=... in t_client.rc or environment, defaulting to 'sudo'." >&2
+        echo "      if that does not work, set RUN_SUDO= correctly for your system." >&2
+        RUN_SUDO="sudo"
+    fi
+    # check that we can run the unit-test binary with sudo
+	if $RUN_SUDO $UNIT_TEST test
+    then
+	    echo "$0: $RUN_SUDO $UNIT_TEST succeeded, good."
-        # check that we can run the unit-test binary with sudo
-	    if $RUN_SUDO $UNIT_TEST test
-        then
-	        echo "$0: $RUN_SUDO $UNIT_TEST succeeded, good."
-        else
-	        echo "$0: $RUN_SUDO $UNIT_TEST failed, cannot go on. SKIP." >&2
-	        exit 77
-        fi
+	    echo "$0: $RUN_SUDO $UNIT_TEST failed, cannot go on. SKIP." >&2
+	    exit 77