@@ -500,6 +500,16 @@ next_connection_entry(struct context *c)
if (!c->options.persist_remote_ip)
+ if (c->c1.link_socket_addr.remote_list)
+ {
+ /* Connection entry addinfo objects might have been resolved
+ * earlier but the entry itself might have been skipped by
+ * management on the previous loop. if so, need to clear the
+ * addrinfo objects as close_instance does */
+ clear_remote_addrlist(&c->c1.link_socket_addr,
+ !c->options.resolve_in_advance);
+ }
/* close_instance should have cleared the addrinfo objects */
ASSERT(c->c1.link_socket_addr.current_remote == NULL);
ASSERT(c->c1.link_socket_addr.remote_list == NULL);