@@ -1073,6 +1073,56 @@ key_state_test_auth_control_file(struct auth_deferred_status *ads, bool cached)
+ * This method takes a key_state and if updates the state
+ * of the key if it is deferred.
+ * @param cached If auth control files should be tried to be opened or th
+ * cached results should be used
+ * @param ks The key_state to update
+ */
+static void
+update_key_auth_status(bool cached, struct key_state *ks)
+ if (ks->authenticated == KS_AUTH_FALSE)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ enum auth_deferred_result auth_plugin = ACF_DISABLED;
+ enum auth_deferred_result auth_script = ACF_DISABLED;
+ enum auth_deferred_result auth_man = ACF_DISABLED;
+ auth_plugin = key_state_test_auth_control_file(&ks->plugin_auth, cached);
+ auth_script = key_state_test_auth_control_file(&ks->script_auth, cached);
+ auth_man = man_def_auth_test(ks);
+ ASSERT(auth_plugin < 4 && auth_script < 4 && auth_man < 4);
+ if (auth_plugin == ACF_FAILED || auth_script == ACF_FAILED
+ || auth_man == ACF_FAILED)
+ {
+ ks->authenticated = KS_AUTH_FALSE;
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (auth_plugin == ACF_PENDING
+ || auth_script == ACF_PENDING
+ || auth_man == ACF_PENDING)
+ {
+ if (now < ks->auth_deferred_expire)
+ {
+ /* key state is remains in KS_DEFERRED */
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* auth_plugin and auth_man are either ACF_DISABLED or ACF_SUCCEDED */
+ ks->authenticated = KS_AUTH_TRUE;
+ }
+ }
enum tls_auth_status
tls_authentication_status(struct tls_multi *multi, const int latency)
@@ -1096,43 +1146,19 @@ tls_authentication_status(struct tls_multi *multi, const int latency)
if (TLS_AUTHENTICATED(multi, ks))
+ update_key_auth_status(cached, ks);
if (ks->authenticated == KS_AUTH_FALSE)
failed_auth = true;
- else
+ else if (ks->authenticated == KS_AUTH_DEFERRED)
- enum auth_deferred_result auth_plugin = ACF_DISABLED;
- enum auth_deferred_result auth_script = ACF_DISABLED;
- enum auth_deferred_result auth_man = ACF_DISABLED;
- auth_plugin = key_state_test_auth_control_file(&ks->plugin_auth, cached);
- auth_script = key_state_test_auth_control_file(&ks->script_auth, cached);
- auth_man = man_def_auth_test(ks);
- ASSERT(auth_plugin < 4 && auth_script < 4 && auth_man < 4);
- if (auth_plugin == ACF_FAILED || auth_script == ACF_FAILED
- || auth_man == ACF_FAILED)
- {
- ks->authenticated = KS_AUTH_FALSE;
- failed_auth = true;
- }
- else if (auth_plugin == ACF_PENDING
- || auth_script == ACF_PENDING
- || auth_man == ACF_PENDING)
- {
- if (now < ks->auth_deferred_expire)
- {
- deferred = true;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* auth_plugin and auth_man are either ACF_DISABLED or ACF_SUCCEDED */
- success = true;
- ks->authenticated = KS_AUTH_TRUE;
- }
+ deferred = true;
+ }
+ else if (ks->authenticated == KS_AUTH_TRUE)
+ {
+ success = true;
This extract the update of a deferred key status into into own function. Signed-off-by: Arne Schwabe <arne@rfc2549.org> --- src/openvpn/ssl_verify.c | 90 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 58 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)