[Openvpn-devel,v5] dev-tools/gerrit-send-mail.py: tool to send Gerrit patchsets to Patchwork

Message ID 20231022105919.21779-1-gert@greenie.muc.de
State Accepted
Headers show
Series [Openvpn-devel,v5] dev-tools/gerrit-send-mail.py: tool to send Gerrit patchsets to Patchwork | expand

Commit Message

Gert Doering Oct. 22, 2023, 10:59 a.m. UTC
From: Frank Lichtenheld <frank@lichtenheld.com>

Since we're trying to use Gerrit for patch reviews, but the actual
merge process is still implemented against the ML and Patchwork,
I wrote a script that attempts to bridge the gap.

It extracts all relevant information about a patch from Gerrit
and converts it into a mail compatible to git-am. Mostly this
work is done by Gerrit already, since we can get the original
patch in git format-patch format. But we add Acked-by information
according to the approvals in Gerrit and some other metadata.

This should allow the merge to happen based on this one mail

 - handle missing display_name and email fields for reviewers
 - handle missing Signed-off-by line gracefully
 - use formatted string consistently

Change-Id: If4e9c2e58441efb3fd00872cd62d1cc6c607f160
Signed-off-by: Frank Lichtenheld <frank@lichtenheld.com>
Acked-by: Gert Doering <gert@greenie.muc.de>

This change was reviewed on Gerrit and approved by at least one
developer. I request to merge it to master.

Gerrit URL: https://gerrit.openvpn.net/c/openvpn/+/361
This mail reflects revision 5 of this Change.
Acked-by according to Gerrit (reflected above):
Gert Doering <gert@greenie.muc.de>


Gert Doering Oct. 22, 2023, 11:10 a.m. UTC | #1
Tested this on the last few gerrit-reviewed patches, and it does a good
job in "ensure that the mailing list archive has all to-be-committed patches,
and the information who reviewed and ACKed it, and where the gerrit info
can be found".  So, works for me and Frank, and for anyone else interested,
here it is...

Could it be optimized, like, "put a v5 right in the [PATCH] line"?  Yes,
of course :-) - but it's a good start.

Your patch has been applied to the master branch.

commit c827f9d83a7246971f435d0053b0252e49770f11 (master)
Author: Frank Lichtenheld
Date:   Sun Oct 22 12:59:19 2023 +0200

     dev-tools/gerrit-send-mail.py: tool to send Gerrit patchsets to Patchwork

     Signed-off-by: Frank Lichtenheld <frank@lichtenheld.com>
     Acked-by: Gert Doering <gert@greenie.muc.de>
     Message-Id: <20231022105919.21779-1-gert@greenie.muc.de>
     URL: https://www.mail-archive.com/openvpn-devel@lists.sourceforge.net/msg27279.html
     Signed-off-by: Gert Doering <gert@greenie.muc.de>

kind regards,

Gert Doering


diff --git a/dev-tools/gerrit-send-mail.py b/dev-tools/gerrit-send-mail.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..851a20a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-tools/gerrit-send-mail.py
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ 
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+#  Copyright (C) 2023 OpenVPN Inc <sales@openvpn.net>
+#  Copyright (C) 2023 Frank Lichtenheld <frank.lichtenheld@openvpn.net>
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
+#  as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+#  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+#  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# Extract a patch from Gerrit and transform it in a file suitable as input
+# for git send-email.
+import argparse
+import base64
+from datetime import timezone
+import json
+import sys
+from urllib.parse import urlparse
+import dateutil.parser
+import requests
+def get_details(args):
+    r = requests.get(f"{args.url}/changes/{args.changeid}", params=params)
+    print(r.url)
+    json_txt = r.text.removeprefix(")]}'\n")
+    json_data = json.loads(json_txt)
+    assert len(json_data["revisions"]) == 1  # CURRENT_REVISION works as expected
+    revision = json_data["revisions"].popitem()[1]["_number"]
+    assert "Code-Review" in json_data["labels"]
+    acked_by = []
+    for reviewer in json_data["labels"]["Code-Review"]["all"]:
+        if "value" in reviewer:
+            assert reviewer["value"] >= 0  # no NACK
+            if reviewer["value"] == 2:
+                # fall back to user name if optional fields are not set
+                reviewer_name = reviewer.get("display_name", reviewer["name"])
+                reviewer_mail = reviewer.get("email", reviewer["name"])
+                ack = f"{reviewer_name} <{reviewer_mail}>"
+                print(f"Acked-by: {ack}")
+                acked_by.append(ack)
+    change_id = json_data["change_id"]
+    # assumes that the created date in Gerrit is in UTC
+    utc_stamp = (
+        dateutil.parser.parse(json_data["created"])
+        .replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
+        .timestamp()
+    )
+    # convert to milliseconds as used in message id
+    created_stamp = int(utc_stamp * 1000)
+    hostname = urlparse(args.url).hostname
+    msg_id = f"gerrit.{created_stamp}.{change_id}@{hostname}"
+    return {
+        "revision": revision,
+        "project": json_data["project"],
+        "target": json_data["branch"],
+        "msg_id": msg_id,
+        "acked_by": acked_by,
+    }
+def get_patch(details, args):
+    r = requests.get(
+        f"{args.url}/changes/{args.changeid}/revisions/{details['revision']}/patch?download"
+    )
+    print(r.url)
+    patch_text = base64.b64decode(r.text).decode()
+    return patch_text
+def apply_patch_mods(patch_text, details, args):
+    comment_start = patch_text.index("\n---\n") + len("\n---\n")
+    try:
+        signed_off_start = patch_text.rindex("\nSigned-off-by: ")
+        signed_off_end = patch_text.index("\n", signed_off_start + 1) + 1
+    except ValueError:  # Signed-off missing
+        signed_off_end = patch_text.index("\n---\n") + 1
+    assert comment_start > signed_off_end
+    acked_by_text = ""
+    acked_by_names = ""
+    for ack in details["acked_by"]:
+        acked_by_text += f"Acked-by: {ack}\n"
+        acked_by_names += f"{ack}\n"
+    patch_text_mod = (
+        patch_text[:signed_off_end]
+        + acked_by_text
+        + patch_text[signed_off_end:comment_start]
+        + f"""
+This change was reviewed on Gerrit and approved by at least one
+developer. I request to merge it to {details["target"]}.
+Gerrit URL: {args.url}/c/{details["project"]}/+/{args.changeid}
+This mail reflects revision {details["revision"]} of this Change.
+Acked-by according to Gerrit (reflected above):
+        """
+        + patch_text[comment_start:]
+    )
+    filename = f"gerrit-{args.changeid}-{details['revision']}.patch"
+    with open(filename, "w") as patch_file:
+        patch_file.write(patch_text_mod)
+    print("send with:")
+    print(f"git send-email --in-reply-to {details['msg_id']} {filename}")
+def main():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        prog="gerrit-send-mail",
+        description="Send patchset from Gerrit to mailing list",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument("changeid")
+    parser.add_argument("-u", "--url", default="https://gerrit.openvpn.net")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    details = get_details(args)
+    patch = get_patch(details, args)
+    apply_patch_mods(patch, details, args)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    sys.exit(main())