@@ -120,7 +120,8 @@
int64_t diff;
- * If time value increases, start a new sequence number sequence.
+ * If time value increases, start a new sequence list of number
+ * sequence for the new time point.
if (!CIRC_LIST_SIZE(p->seq_list)
|| pin->time > p->time
@@ -343,6 +344,21 @@
return true;
+static bool
+packet_id_send_update_epoch(struct packet_id_send *p)
+ if (!p->time)
+ {
+ p->time = now;
+ }
+ if (p->id == PACKET_ID_EPOCH_MAX)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ p->id++;
+ return true;
packet_id_write(struct packet_id_send *p, struct buffer *buf, bool long_form,
bool prepend)
@@ -634,4 +650,44 @@
+packet_id_read_epoch(struct packet_id_net *pin, struct buffer *buf)
+ uint64_t packet_id;
+ if (!buf_read(buf, &packet_id, sizeof(packet_id)))
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ uint64_t id = ntohll(packet_id);
+ /* top most 16 bits */
+ uint16_t epoch = id >> 48;
+ pin->id = id & PACKET_ID_MASK;
+ return epoch;
+packet_id_write_epoch(struct packet_id_send *p, uint16_t epoch, struct buffer *buf)
+ if (!packet_id_send_update_epoch(p))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* Highest 16 bits of packet id is the epoch.
+ *
+ * The lower 48 bits are the per-epoch packet id counter. */
+ uint64_t net_id = ((uint64_t) epoch) << 48 | p->id;
+ /* convert to network order. This ensures that the highest bytes
+ * also become the first ones on the wire*/
+ net_id = htonll(net_id);
+ return buf_write(buf, &net_id, sizeof(net_id));
#endif /* ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG */
@@ -44,7 +44,11 @@
* These are ephemeral and are never saved to a file.
typedef uint32_t packet_id_type;
+#define PACKET_ID_EPOCH_MAX 0x0000ffffffffffffull
+/** Mask of the bits that contain the 48-bit of the per-epoch packet
+ * counter in the packet id*/
+#define PACKET_ID_MASK 0x0000ffffffffffffull
typedef uint32_t net_time_t;
@@ -158,7 +162,8 @@
* includes a timestamp as well.
* An epoch packet-id is a 16 bit epoch
- * counter plus a 48 per-epoch packet-id
+ * counter plus a 48 per-epoch packet-id.
+ *
* Long packet-ids are used as IVs for
* CFB/OFB ciphers and for control channel
@@ -321,4 +326,25 @@
+ * Writes the packet ID containing both the epoch and the packet id to the
+ * buffer specified by buf.
+ * @param p packet id send structure to use for the packet id
+ * @param epoch epoch to write to the packet
+ * @param buf buffer to write the packet id/epoch to
+ * @return false if the packet id space is exhausted and cannot be written
+ */
+packet_id_write_epoch(struct packet_id_send *p, uint16_t epoch, struct buffer *buf);
+ * Reads the packet ID containing both the epoch and the per-epoch counter
+ * from the buf. Will return 0 as epoch id if there is any error.
+ * @param p packet_id struct to populate with the on-wire counter
+ * @param buf buffer to read the packet id from.
+ * @return 0 for an error/invalid id, epoch otherwise
+ */
+packet_id_read_epoch(struct packet_id_net *p, struct buffer *buf);
#endif /* PACKET_ID_H */
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
} test_buf_data;
struct buffer test_buf;
struct packet_id_send pis;
+ struct gc_arena gc;
static int
@@ -59,6 +60,7 @@
data->test_buf.data = (void *) &data->test_buf_data;
data->test_buf.capacity = sizeof(data->test_buf_data);
+ data->gc = gc_new();
*state = data;
return 0;
@@ -67,6 +69,8 @@
static int
test_packet_id_write_teardown(void **state)
+ struct test_packet_id_write_data *data = *state;
+ gc_free(&data->gc);
return 0;
@@ -209,6 +213,54 @@
+static void
+test_packet_id_write_epoch(void **state)
+ struct test_packet_id_write_data *data = *state;
+ struct buffer buf = alloc_buf_gc(128, &data->gc);
+ /* test normal writing of packet id to the buffer */
+ assert_true(packet_id_write_epoch(&data->pis, 0x23, &buf));
+ assert_int_equal(buf.len, 8);
+ uint8_t expected_header[8] = { 0x00, 0x23, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1};
+ assert_memory_equal(BPTR(&buf), expected_header, 8);
+ /* too small buffer should error out */
+ struct buffer buf_short = alloc_buf_gc(5, &data->gc);
+ assert_false(packet_id_write_epoch(&data->pis, 0xabde, &buf_short));
+ /* test a true 48 bit packet id */
+ data->pis.id = 0xfa079ab9d2e8;
+ struct buffer buf_48 = alloc_buf_gc(128, &data->gc);
+ assert_true(packet_id_write_epoch(&data->pis, 0xfffe, &buf_48));
+ uint8_t expected_header_48[8] = { 0xff, 0xfe, 0xfa, 0x07, 0x9a, 0xb9, 0xd2, 0xe9};
+ assert_memory_equal(BPTR(&buf_48), expected_header_48, 8);
+ /* test writing/checking the 48 bit per epoch packet counter
+ * overflow */
+ data->pis.id = 0xfffffffffffe;
+ struct buffer buf_of = alloc_buf_gc(128, &data->gc);
+ assert_true(packet_id_write_epoch(&data->pis, 0xf00f, &buf_of));
+ uint8_t expected_header_of[8] = { 0xf0, 0x0f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
+ assert_memory_equal(BPTR(&buf_of), expected_header_of, 8);
+ /* This is go over 2^48 - 1 and should error out. */
+ assert_false(packet_id_write_epoch(&data->pis, 0xf00f, &buf_of));
+ /* Now read back the packet ids and check if they are the same as what we
+ * have written */
+ struct packet_id_net pin;
+ assert_int_equal(packet_id_read_epoch(&pin, &buf), 0x23);
+ assert_int_equal(pin.id, 1);
+ assert_int_equal(packet_id_read_epoch(&pin, &buf_48), 0xfffe);
+ assert_int_equal(pin.id, 0xfa079ab9d2e9);
+ assert_int_equal(packet_id_read_epoch(&pin, &buf_of), 0xf00f);
+ assert_int_equal(pin.id, 0xffffffffffff);
static void
test_copy_acks_to_lru(void **state)
@@ -296,6 +348,10 @@
+ cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(test_packet_id_write_epoch,
+ test_packet_id_write_setup,
+ test_packet_id_write_teardown),