@@ -8352,7 +8352,7 @@
msg(msglevel, "--dhcp-option %s: maximum of %d search entries can be specified",
- o->dhcp_options |= DHCP_OPTIONS_DHCP_REQUIRED;
+ o->dhcp_options |= DHCP_OPTIONS_DHCP_OPTIONAL;
else if (streq(p[1], "DISABLE-NBT") && !p[2])
@@ -183,9 +183,10 @@
ack_message_t ack;
struct gc_arena gc = gc_new();
- HANDLE pipe = tt->options.msg_channel;
+ const struct tuntap_options *o = &tt->options;
- if (!tt->options.domain) /* no domain to add or delete */
+ /* no domains to add or delete */
+ if (!o->domain && !o->domain_search_list[0])
goto out;
@@ -203,28 +204,49 @@
.addr_len = 0 /* add/delete only the domain, not DNS servers */
+ /* interface name is required */
strncpynt(dns.iface.name, tt->actual_name, sizeof(dns.iface.name));
- strncpynt(dns.domains, tt->options.domain, sizeof(dns.domains));
- /* truncation of domain name is not checked as it can't happen
- * with 512 bytes room in dns.domains.
- */
- msg(D_LOW, "%s dns domain on '%s' (if_index = %d) using service",
+ /* only use domain when there are no search domains */
+ if (o->domain && !o->domain_search_list[0])
+ {
+ strncpynt(dns.domains, o->domain, sizeof(dns.domains));
+ }
+ /* Create a comma separated list of search domains */
+ for (int i = 0; i < N_SEARCH_LIST_LEN && o->domain_search_list[i]; ++i)
+ {
+ size_t dstlen = strlen(dns.domains);
+ size_t srclen = strlen(o->domain_search_list[i]);
+ size_t extra = dstlen ? 2 : 1; /* space for comma and NUL */
+ if (dstlen + srclen + extra > sizeof(dns.domains))
+ {
+ msg(M_WARN, "DNS search domains sent to service truncated to %d", i);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (dstlen)
+ {
+ dns.domains[dstlen++] = ',';
+ }
+ strncpy(dns.domains + dstlen, o->domain_search_list[i], srclen + 1);
+ }
+ msg(D_LOW, "%s DNS domains on '%s' (if_index = %d) using service",
(add ? "Setting" : "Deleting"), dns.iface.name, dns.iface.index);
- if (!send_msg_iservice(pipe, &dns, sizeof(dns), &ack, "TUN"))
+ if (!send_msg_iservice(o->msg_channel, &dns, sizeof(dns), &ack, "TUN"))
goto out;
if (ack.error_number != NO_ERROR)
- msg(M_WARN, "TUN: %s dns domain failed using service: %s [status=%u if_name=%s]",
+ msg(M_WARN, "TUN: %s DNS domains failed using service: %s [status=%u if_name=%s]",
(add ? "adding" : "deleting"), strerror_win32(ack.error_number, &gc),
ack.error_number, dns.iface.name);
goto out;
- msg(M_INFO, "DNS domain %s using service", (add ? "set" : "deleted"));
+ msg(M_INFO, "DNS domains %s using service", (add ? "set" : "deleted"));
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@
- advapi32.lib userenv.lib iphlpapi.lib fwpuclnt.lib rpcrt4.lib shlwapi.lib netapi32.lib ws2_32.lib ntdll.lib)
+ advapi32.lib userenv.lib iphlpapi.lib fwpuclnt.lib rpcrt4.lib
+ shlwapi.lib netapi32.lib ws2_32.lib ntdll.lib ole32.lib)
if (MINGW)
target_compile_options(openvpnserv PRIVATE -municode)
target_link_options(openvpnserv PRIVATE -municode)
@@ -25,7 +25,9 @@
-municode -D_UNICODE \
-openvpnserv_LDADD = -ladvapi32 -luserenv -liphlpapi -lfwpuclnt -lrpcrt4 -lshlwapi -lnetapi32 -lws2_32 -lntdll
+openvpnserv_LDADD = \
+ -ladvapi32 -luserenv -liphlpapi -lfwpuclnt -lrpcrt4 \
+ -lshlwapi -lnetapi32 -lws2_32 -lntdll -lole32
openvpnserv_SOURCES = \
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
- undo_domain,
+ undo_domains,
@@ -103,6 +103,11 @@
} wfp_block_data_t;
typedef struct {
+ char itf_name[256];
+ PWSTR domains;
+} dns_domains_undo_data_t;
+typedef struct {
struct tun_ring *send_ring;
struct tun_ring *receive_ring;
} ring_buffer_maps_t;
@@ -565,24 +570,6 @@
return status;
-static DWORD
-ConvertInterfaceNameToIndex(const wchar_t *ifname, NET_IFINDEX *index)
- NET_LUID luid;
- DWORD err;
- err = ConvertInterfaceAliasToLuid(ifname, &luid);
- if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- err = ConvertInterfaceLuidToIndex(&luid, index);
- }
- if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- MsgToEventLog(M_ERR, L"Failed to find interface index for <%ls>", ifname);
- }
- return err;
static BOOL
CmpAddress(LPVOID item, LPVOID address)
@@ -1152,52 +1139,6 @@
return err;
- * Run command: wmic nicconfig (InterfaceIndex=$if_index) call $action ($data)
- * @param if_index "index of interface"
- * @param action e.g., "SetDNSDomain"
- * @param data data if required for action
- * - a single word for SetDNSDomain, empty or NULL to delete
- * - comma separated values for a list
- */
-static DWORD
-wmic_nicconfig_cmd(const wchar_t *action, const NET_IFINDEX if_index,
- const wchar_t *data)
- DWORD err = 0;
- wchar_t argv0[MAX_PATH];
- wchar_t *cmdline = NULL;
- int timeout = 10000; /* in msec */
- swprintf(argv0, _countof(argv0), L"%ls\\%ls", get_win_sys_path(), L"wbem\\wmic.exe");
- const wchar_t *fmt;
- /* comma separated list must be enclosed in parenthesis */
- if (data && wcschr(data, L','))
- {
- fmt = L"wmic nicconfig where (InterfaceIndex=%ld) call %ls (%ls)";
- }
- else
- {
- fmt = L"wmic nicconfig where (InterfaceIndex=%ld) call %ls \"%ls\"";
- }
- size_t ncmdline = wcslen(fmt) + 20 + wcslen(action) /* max 20 for ifindex */
- + (data ? wcslen(data) + 1 : 1);
- cmdline = malloc(ncmdline*sizeof(wchar_t));
- if (!cmdline)
- {
- }
- swprintf(cmdline, ncmdline, fmt, if_index, action,
- data ? data : L"");
- err = ExecCommand(argv0, cmdline, timeout);
- free(cmdline);
- return err;
/* Delete all IPv4 or IPv6 dns servers for an interface */
static DWORD
DeleteDNS(short family, wchar_t *if_name)
@@ -1221,50 +1162,659 @@
- * Set interface specific DNS domain suffix
- * @param if_name name of the interface
- * @param domain a single domain name
- * @param lists pointer to the undo lists. If NULL
- * undo lists are not altered.
- * Will delete the currently set value if domain is empty.
+ * Signal the DNS resolver (and others potentially) to reload the
+ * group policy (DNS) settings on 32 bit Windows systems
+ *
+ * @return BOOL to indicate if the reload was initiated
+ */
+static BOOL
+ typedef NTSTATUS (__stdcall *publish_fn_t)(
+ DWORD StateNameLo,
+ DWORD StateNameHi,
+ DWORD TypeId,
+ DWORD Buffer,
+ DWORD Length,
+ DWORD ExplicitScope);
+ publish_fn_t RtlPublishWnfStateData;
+ HMODULE ntdll = LoadLibraryA("ntdll.dll");
+ if (ntdll == NULL)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ RtlPublishWnfStateData = (publish_fn_t) GetProcAddress(ntdll, "RtlPublishWnfStateData");
+ if (RtlPublishWnfStateData == NULL)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ * Signal the DNS resolver (and others potentially) to reload the
+ * group policy (DNS) settings on 64 bit Windows systems
+ *
+ * @return BOOL to indicate if the reload was initiated
+ */
+static BOOL
+ typedef NTSTATUS (*publish_fn_t)(
+ INT64 StateName,
+ INT64 TypeId,
+ INT64 Buffer,
+ unsigned int Length,
+ INT64 ExplicitScope);
+ publish_fn_t RtlPublishWnfStateData;
+ const INT64 WNF_GPOL_SYSTEM_CHANGES = 0x0D891E2AA3BC0875;
+ HMODULE ntdll = LoadLibraryA("ntdll.dll");
+ if (ntdll == NULL)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ RtlPublishWnfStateData = (publish_fn_t) GetProcAddress(ntdll, "RtlPublishWnfStateData");
+ if (RtlPublishWnfStateData == NULL)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (RtlPublishWnfStateData(WNF_GPOL_SYSTEM_CHANGES, 0, 0, 0, 0) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ * Signal the DNS resolver (and others potentially) to reload the group policy (DNS) settings
+ *
+ * @return BOOL to indicate if the reload was initiated
+ */
+static BOOL
+ GetSystemInfo(&si);
+ const BOOL win_32bit = si.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL;
+ return win_32bit ? ApplyGpolSettings32() : ApplyGpolSettings64();
+ * Signal the DNS resolver to reload its settings
+ *
+ * @param apply_gpol BOOL reload setting from group policy hives as well
+ *
+ * @return BOOL to indicate if the reload was initiated
+ */
+static BOOL
+ApplyDnsSettings(BOOL apply_gpol)
+ BOOL res = FALSE;
+ SC_HANDLE dnssvc = NULL;
+ if (apply_gpol && ApplyGpolSettings() == FALSE)
+ {
+ MsgToEventLog(M_ERR, TEXT("ApplyDnsSettings: sending GPOL notification failed"));
+ }
+ if (scm == NULL)
+ {
+ MsgToEventLog(M_ERR, TEXT("ApplyDnsSettings: "
+ "OpenSCManager call failed (%lu)"), GetLastError());
+ goto out;
+ }
+ dnssvc = OpenServiceA(scm, "Dnscache", SERVICE_PAUSE_CONTINUE);
+ if (dnssvc == NULL)
+ {
+ MsgToEventLog(M_ERR, TEXT("ApplyDnsSettings: "
+ "OpenService call failed (%lu)"), GetLastError());
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (ControlService(dnssvc, SERVICE_CONTROL_PARAMCHANGE, &status) == 0)
+ {
+ MsgToEventLog(M_ERR, TEXT("ApplyDnsSettings: "
+ "ControlService call failed (%lu)"), GetLastError());
+ goto out;
+ }
+ res = TRUE;
+ if (dnssvc)
+ {
+ CloseServiceHandle(dnssvc);
+ }
+ if (scm)
+ {
+ CloseServiceHandle(scm);
+ }
+ return res;
+ * Get the string interface UUID (with braces) for an interface alias name
+ *
+ * @param itf_name the interface alias name
+ * @param str pointer to the buffer the wide UUID is returned in
+ * @param len size of the str buffer in characters
+ *
+ * @return NO_ERROR on success, or the Windows error code for the failure
static DWORD
-SetDNSDomain(const wchar_t *if_name, const char *domain, undo_lists_t *lists)
+InterfaceIdString(PCSTR itf_name, PWSTR str, size_t len)
- NET_IFINDEX if_index;
+ DWORD err;
+ GUID guid;
+ NET_LUID luid;
+ PWSTR iid_str = NULL;
- DWORD err = ConvertInterfaceNameToIndex(if_name, &if_index);
- if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS)
+ err = InterfaceLuid(itf_name, &luid);
+ if (err)
- return err;
+ MsgToEventLog(M_ERR, TEXT("InterfaceIdString: "
+ "failed to convert itf alias '%s'"), itf_name);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ err = ConvertInterfaceLuidToGuid(&luid, &guid);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ MsgToEventLog(M_ERR, TEXT("InterfaceIdString: "
+ "Failed to convert itf '%s' LUID"), itf_name);
+ goto out;
- wchar_t *wdomain = utf8to16(domain); /* utf8 to wide-char */
- if (!wdomain)
+ if (StringFromIID(&guid, &iid_str) != S_OK)
+ MsgToEventLog(M_ERR, TEXT("InterfaceIdString: "
+ "Failed to convert itf '%s' IID"), itf_name);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (wcslen(iid_str) + 1 > len)
+ {
+ goto out;
- /* free undo list if previously set */
- if (lists)
+ wcsncpy(str, iid_str, len);
+ if (iid_str)
- free(RemoveListItem(&(*lists)[undo_domain], CmpWString, (void *)if_name));
+ CoTaskMemFree(iid_str);
+ return err;
- err = wmic_nicconfig_cmd(L"SetDNSDomain", if_index, wdomain);
- /* Add to undo list if domain is non-empty */
- if (err == 0 && wdomain[0] && lists)
+ * Check for a valid search list in a certain key of the registry
+ *
+ * Valid means that a string value "SearchList" exists and that it
+ * contains one or more domains. We only check if the string contains
+ * a valid domain name character, but the main point is to prevent letting
+ * pass whitespace-only lists, so that check is good enough for that
+ * purpose.
+ *
+ * @param key HKEY in which to check for a valid search list
+ *
+ * @return BOOL to indicate if a valid search list has been found
+ */
+static BOOL
+HasValidSearchList(HKEY key)
+ char data[64];
+ DWORD size = sizeof(data);
+ LSTATUS err = RegGetValueA(key, NULL, "SearchList", RRF_RT_REG_SZ, NULL, (PBYTE)data, &size);
+ if (!err || err == ERROR_MORE_DATA)
- wchar_t *tmp_name = _wcsdup(if_name);
- if (!tmp_name || AddListItem(&(*lists)[undo_domain], tmp_name))
+ data[sizeof(data) - 1] = '\0';
+ for (int i = 0; i < strlen(data); ++i)
- free(tmp_name);
+ if (isalnum(data[i]) || data[i] == '-' || data[i] == '.')
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ * Find the registry key for storing the DNS domains for the VPN interface
+ *
+ * @param itf_name PCSTR that contains the alias name of the interface the domains
+ * are related to. If this is NULL the interface probing is skipped.
+ * @param gpol PBOOL to indicate if the key returned is the group policy hive
+ * @param key PHKEY in which the found registry key is returned in
+ *
+ * @return BOOL to indicate if a search list is already present at the location.
+ * If the key returned is INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, this indicates an
+ * unrecoverable error.
+ *
+ * The correct location to add them is where a non-empty "SearchList" value exists,
+ * or in the interface configuration itself. However, the system-wide and then the
+ * group policy search lists overrule the previous one respectively, so we need to
+ * probe to find the effective list.
+ */
+static BOOL
+GetDnsSearchListKey(PCSTR itf_name, PBOOL gpol, PHKEY key)
+ LSTATUS err;
+ *gpol = FALSE;
+ /* Try the group policy search list */
+ "SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\DNSClient",
+ 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, key);
+ if (!err)
+ {
+ if (HasValidSearchList(*key))
+ {
+ *gpol = TRUE;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ RegCloseKey(*key);
+ }
+ /* Try the system-wide search list */
+ "System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\TCPIP\\Parameters",
+ 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, key);
+ if (!err)
+ {
+ if (HasValidSearchList(*key))
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ RegCloseKey(*key);
+ }
+ if (itf_name)
+ {
+ /* Always return the VPN interface key (if it exists) */
+ WCHAR iid[64];
+ DWORD iid_err = InterfaceIdString(itf_name, iid, _countof(iid));
+ if (!iid_err)
+ {
+ HKEY itfs;
+ "System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\TCPIP\\Parameters\\Interfaces",
+ 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &itfs);
+ if (!err)
+ {
+ err = RegOpenKeyExW(itfs, iid, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, key);
+ RegCloseKey(itfs);
+ if (!err)
+ {
+ return FALSE; /* No need to preserve the VPN itf search list */
+ }
+ }
- free(wdomain);
+ return FALSE;
+ * Check if a initial list had already been created
+ *
+ * @param key HKEY of the registry subkey to search in
+ *
+ * @return BOOL to indicate if the initial list is already present under key
+ */
+static BOOL
+InitialSearchListExists(HKEY key)
+ LSTATUS err;
+ err = RegGetValueA(key, NULL, "InitialSearchList", RRF_RT_REG_SZ, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ if (err == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ MsgToEventLog(M_ERR, TEXT("InitialSearchListExists: "
+ "failed to get InitialSearchList (%lu)"), err);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ * Prepare DNS domain "SearchList" registry value, so additional
+ * VPN domains can be added and its original state can be restored
+ * in case the system cannot clean up regularly.
+ *
+ * @param key registry subkey to store the list in
+ * @param list string of comma separated domains to use as the list
+ *
+ * @return boolean to indicate whether the list was stored successfully
+ */
+static BOOL
+StoreInitialDnsSearchList(HKEY key, PCWSTR list)
+ if (!list || wcslen(list) == 0)
+ {
+ MsgToEventLog(M_ERR, TEXT("StoreInitialDnsSearchList: empty search list"));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (InitialSearchListExists(key))
+ {
+ /* Initial list had already been stored */
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ DWORD size = (wcslen(list) + 1) * sizeof(*list);
+ LSTATUS err = RegSetValueExW(key, L"InitialSearchList", 0, REG_SZ, (PBYTE)list, size);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ MsgToEventLog(M_ERR, TEXT("StoreInitialDnsSearchList: "
+ "failed to set InitialSearchList value (%lu)"), err);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ * Append domain suffixes to an existing search list
+ *
+ * @param key HKEY the list is stored at
+ * @param have_list BOOL to indicate if a search list already exists
+ * @param domains domain suffixes as comma separated string
+ *
+ * @return BOOL to indicate success or failure
+ */
+static BOOL
+AddDnsSearchDomains(HKEY key, BOOL have_list, PCWSTR domains)
+ LSTATUS err;
+ WCHAR list[2048] = {0};
+ DWORD size = sizeof(list);
+ if (have_list)
+ {
+ err = RegGetValueW(key, NULL, L"SearchList", RRF_RT_REG_SZ, NULL, list, &size);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ MsgToEventLog(M_SYSERR, TEXT("AddDnsSearchDomains: "
+ "could not get SearchList from registry (%lu)"), err);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!StoreInitialDnsSearchList(key, list))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ size_t listlen = (size / sizeof(list[0])) - 1; /* returned size is in bytes */
+ size_t domlen = wcslen(domains);
+ if (listlen + domlen + 2 > _countof(list))
+ {
+ MsgToEventLog(M_SYSERR, TEXT("AddDnsSearchDomains: "
+ "not enough space in list for search domains (len=%lu)"),
+ domlen);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* Append to end of the search list */
+ PWSTR pos = list + listlen;
+ *pos = ',';
+ wcsncpy(pos + 1, domains, domlen + 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wcsncpy(list, domains, wcslen(domains) + 1);
+ }
+ size = (wcslen(list) + 1) * sizeof(list[0]);
+ err = RegSetValueExW(key, L"SearchList", 0, REG_SZ, (PBYTE)list, size);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ MsgToEventLog(M_SYSERR, TEXT("AddDnsSearchDomains: "
+ "could not set SearchList to registry (%lu)"), err);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ * Reset the DNS search list to its original value
+ *
+ * Looks for a "InitialSearchList" value as the one to reset to.
+ * If it doesn't exists, resets to empty, effectively disabling it.
+ *
+ * @param key HKEY of the location in the registry to reset
+ *
+ * @return BOOL to indicate if something was reset
+ */
+static BOOL
+ResetDnsSearchDomains(HKEY key)
+ LSTATUS err;
+ BOOL ret = FALSE;
+ WCHAR list[2048];
+ DWORD size = sizeof(list);
+ err = RegGetValueW(key, NULL, L"InitialSearchList", RRF_RT_REG_SZ, NULL, list, &size);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ if (err != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
+ {
+ MsgToEventLog(M_SYSERR, TEXT("ResetDnsSearchDomains: "
+ "could not get InitialSearchList from registry (%lu)"), err);
+ }
+ goto out;
+ }
+ size = (wcslen(list) + 1) * sizeof(list[0]);
+ err = RegSetValueExW(key, L"SearchList", 0, REG_SZ, (PBYTE)list, size);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ MsgToEventLog(M_SYSERR, TEXT("ResetDnsSearchDomains: "
+ "could not set SearchList in registry (%lu)"), err);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ RegDeleteValueA(key, "InitialSearchList");
+ ret = TRUE;
+ return ret;
+ * Remove domain suffixes from an existing search list
+ *
+ * @param key HKEY the list is stored at
+ * @param domains domain suffixes to remove as comma separated string
+ */
+static void
+RemoveDnsSearchDomains(HKEY key, PCWSTR domains)
+ LSTATUS err;
+ WCHAR list[2048];
+ DWORD size = sizeof(list);
+ err = RegGetValueW(key, NULL, L"SearchList", RRF_RT_REG_SZ, NULL, list, &size);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ MsgToEventLog(M_SYSERR, TEXT("RemoveDnsSearchDomains: "
+ "could not get SearchList from registry (%lu)"), err);
+ return;
+ }
+ PWSTR dst = wcsstr(list, domains);
+ if (!dst)
+ {
+ MsgToEventLog(M_ERR, TEXT("RemoveDnsSearchDomains: "
+ "could not find domains in search list"));
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Cut out domains from list */
+ size_t domlen = wcslen(domains);
+ PCWSTR src = dst + domlen;
+ /* Also remove the leading comma, if there is one */
+ dst = dst > list ? dst - 1 : dst;
+ wmemmove(dst, src, domlen);
+ size_t list_len = wcslen(list);
+ if (list_len)
+ {
+ /* Now check if the shortened list equals the initial search list */
+ WCHAR initial[2048];
+ size = sizeof(initial);
+ err = RegGetValueW(key, NULL, L"InitialSearchList", RRF_RT_REG_SZ, NULL, initial, &size);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ MsgToEventLog(M_SYSERR, TEXT("RemoveDnsSearchDomains: "
+ "could not get InitialSearchList from registry (%lu)"), err);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* If the search list is back to its initial state reset it */
+ if (wcsncmp(list, initial, wcslen(list)) == 0)
+ {
+ ResetDnsSearchDomains(key);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ size = (list_len + 1) * sizeof(list[0]);
+ err = RegSetValueExW(key, L"SearchList", 0, REG_SZ, (PBYTE)list, size);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ MsgToEventLog(M_SYSERR, TEXT("RemoveDnsSearchDomains: "
+ "could not set SearchList in registry (%lu)"), err);
+ }
+ * Removes DNS domains from a search list they were previously added to
+ *
+ * @param undo_data pointer to dns_domains_undo_data_t
+ */
+static void
+UndoDnsSearchDomains(dns_domains_undo_data_t *undo_data)
+ BOOL gpol;
+ HKEY dns_searchlist_key;
+ GetDnsSearchListKey(undo_data->itf_name, &gpol, &dns_searchlist_key);
+ if (dns_searchlist_key != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ RemoveDnsSearchDomains(dns_searchlist_key, undo_data->domains);
+ RegCloseKey(dns_searchlist_key);
+ ApplyDnsSettings(gpol);
+ free(undo_data->domains);
+ undo_data->domains = NULL;
+ }
+ * Add or remove DNS search domains
+ *
+ * @param itf_name alias name of the interface the domains are set for
+ * @param domains a comma separated list of domain name suffixes
+ * @param gpol PBOOL to indicate if group policy values were modified
+ * @param lists pointer to the undo lists
+ *
+ * @return NO_ERROR on success, an error status code otherwise
+ *
+ * If a SearchList is present in the registry already, the domains are added
+ * to that list. Otherwise the domains are added to the VPN interface specific list.
+ * A group policy search list takes precedence over a system-wide list, and that one
+ * itself takes precedence over interface specific ones.
+ *
+ * This function will remove previously set domains if the domains parameter
+ * is NULL or empty.
+ *
+ * The gpol value is only valid if the function returns no error. In the error
+ * case nothing is changed.
+ */
+static DWORD
+SetDnsSearchDomains(PCSTR itf_name, PCSTR domains, PBOOL gpol, undo_lists_t *lists)
+ HKEY list_key;
+ BOOL have_list = GetDnsSearchListKey(itf_name, gpol, &list_key);
+ if (list_key == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ MsgToEventLog(M_SYSERR, TEXT("SetDnsSearchDomains: "
+ "could not get search list registry key"));
+ }
+ /* Remove previously installed search domains */
+ dns_domains_undo_data_t *undo_data = RemoveListItem(&(*lists)[undo_domains], CmpAny, NULL);
+ if (undo_data)
+ {
+ RemoveDnsSearchDomains(list_key, undo_data->domains);
+ free(undo_data->domains);
+ free(undo_data);
+ undo_data = NULL;
+ }
+ /* If there are search domains, add them */
+ if (domains && *domains)
+ {
+ wchar_t *wide_domains = utf8to16(domains); /* utf8 to wide-char */
+ if (!wide_domains)
+ {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ undo_data = malloc(sizeof(*undo_data));
+ if (!undo_data)
+ {
+ free(wide_domains);
+ wide_domains = NULL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ strncpy(undo_data->itf_name, itf_name, sizeof(undo_data->itf_name));
+ undo_data->domains = wide_domains;
+ if (AddDnsSearchDomains(list_key, have_list, wide_domains) == FALSE
+ || AddListItem(&(*lists)[undo_domains], undo_data) != NO_ERROR)
+ {
+ RemoveDnsSearchDomains(list_key, wide_domains);
+ free(wide_domains);
+ free(undo_data);
+ undo_data = NULL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+ err = NO_ERROR;
+ RegCloseKey(list_key);
return err;
@@ -1315,11 +1865,13 @@
if (msg->header.type == msg_del_dns_cfg)
+ BOOL gpol = FALSE;
if (msg->domains[0])
- /* setting an empty domain removes any previous value */
- err = SetDNSDomain(wide_name, "", lists);
+ /* setting an empty domain list removes any previous value */
+ err = SetDnsSearchDomains(msg->iface.name, NULL, &gpol, lists);
+ ApplyDnsSettings(gpol);
goto out; /* job done */
@@ -1357,10 +1909,12 @@
+ BOOL gpol = FALSE;
if (msg->domains[0])
- err = SetDNSDomain(wide_name, msg->domains, lists);
+ err = SetDnsSearchDomains(msg->iface.name, msg->domains, &gpol, lists);
+ ApplyDnsSettings(gpol);
@@ -1751,12 +2305,12 @@
DeleteDNS(AF_INET6, item->data);
- case undo_wins:
- netsh_wins_cmd(L"delete", item->data, NULL);
+ case undo_domains:
+ UndoDnsSearchDomains(item->data);
- case undo_domain:
- SetDNSDomain(item->data, "", NULL);
+ case undo_wins:
+ netsh_wins_cmd(L"delete", item->data, NULL);
case wfp_block:
@@ -2260,6 +2814,34 @@
ServiceStartInteractive(dwArgc, lpszArgv);
+ * Clean up remains of previous sessions in registry. These remains can
+ * happen with unclean shutdowns or crashes and would interfere with
+ * normal operation of the system with and without active tunnels.
+ */
+static void
+ HKEY key;
+ DWORD changed = 0;
+ /* Clean up leftover DNS search list fragments */
+ BOOL gpol_list;
+ GetDnsSearchListKey(NULL, &gpol_list, &key);
+ {
+ if (ResetDnsSearchDomains(key))
+ {
+ changed++;
+ }
+ RegCloseKey(key);
+ }
+ if (changed)
+ {
+ ApplyDnsSettings(gpol_list);
+ }
ServiceStartInteractive(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR *lpszArgv)
@@ -2283,6 +2865,9 @@
status.dwWaitHint = 3000;
ReportStatusToSCMgr(service, &status);
+ /* Clean up potentially left over registry values */
+ CleanupRegistry();
/* Read info from registry in key HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenVPN */
error = GetOpenvpnSettings(&settings);
if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS)