@@ -1724,9 +1724,19 @@
- /* the resolved 'local entry' might have a different family than what
- * was globally configured */
- sock->info.af = sock->info.lsa->bind_local->ai_family;
+ /* the address family returned by openvpn_getaddrinfo() should be
+ * taken into consideration only if we really passed an hostname
+ * to resolve. Otherwise its value is not useful to us and may
+ * actually break our socket, i.e. when it returns AF_INET
+ * but our remote is v6 only.
+ */
+ if (sock->local_host)
+ {
+ /* the resolved 'local entry' might have a different family than
+ * what was globally configured
+ */
+ sock->info.af = sock->info.lsa->bind_local->ai_family;
+ }