[Openvpn-devel,M] Change in openvpn[master]: Extend the unit test for data channel packets with aead limit tests

Message ID b7ca65f39584f65ef334b33489a39669131140d2-HTML@gerrit.openvpn.net
State Superseded
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Series [Openvpn-devel,M] Change in openvpn[master]: Extend the unit test for data channel packets with aead limit tests | expand

Commit Message

mrbff (Code Review) Jan. 16, 2025, 11:34 a.m. UTC
Attention is currently required from: flichtenheld.

Hello flichtenheld,

I'd like you to do a code review.
Please visit


to review the following change.

Change subject: Extend the unit test for data channel packets with aead limit tests

Extend the unit test for data channel packets with aead limit tests

Change-Id: I15c7cfdddb06d4530d669b222a3c65db5169b29a
M tests/unit_tests/openvpn/test_ssl.c
1 file changed, 100 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh://gerrit.openvpn.net:29418/openvpn refs/changes/68/868/1


diff --git a/tests/unit_tests/openvpn/test_ssl.c b/tests/unit_tests/openvpn/test_ssl.c
index 842c944..b9112d8 100644
--- a/tests/unit_tests/openvpn/test_ssl.c
+++ b/tests/unit_tests/openvpn/test_ssl.c
@@ -365,9 +365,104 @@ 
         assert_memory_equal(BPTR(&src), BPTR(&buf), i);
+static void
+encrypt_one_packet(struct crypto_options *co, int len)
+    struct frame frame;
+    init_frame_parameters(&frame);
+    struct gc_arena gc = gc_new();
+    struct buffer encrypt_workspace = alloc_buf_gc(BUF_SIZE(&frame), &gc);
+    struct buffer decrypt_workspace = alloc_buf_gc(BUF_SIZE(&frame), &gc);
+    struct buffer work = alloc_buf_gc(BUF_SIZE(&frame), &gc);
+    struct buffer buf = clear_buf();
+    struct buffer src = alloc_buf_gc(frame.buf.payload_size, &gc);
+    void *buf_p;
+    ASSERT(buf_init(&work, frame.buf.headroom));
+    /*
+     * Load src with random data.
+     */
+    ASSERT(buf_init(&src, 0));
+    ASSERT(len <= src.capacity);
+    src.len = len;
+    ASSERT(rand_bytes(BPTR(&src), BLEN(&src)));
+    /* copy source to input buf */
+    buf = work;
+    buf_p = buf_write_alloc(&buf, BLEN(&src));
+    ASSERT(buf_p);
+    memcpy(buf_p, BPTR(&src), BLEN(&src));
+    ASSERT(buf_init(&encrypt_workspace, frame.buf.headroom)); \
+    openvpn_encrypt(&buf, encrypt_workspace, co);
+    /* decrypt */
+    openvpn_decrypt(&buf, decrypt_workspace, co, &frame, BPTR(&buf));
+    /* compare */
+    assert_int_equal(buf.len, src.len);
+    assert_memory_equal(BPTR(&src), BPTR(&buf), len);
+    gc_free(&gc);
+static void
+check_aead_limits(struct crypto_options *co, bool chachapoly)
+    /* Check that we correctly react when we have a nearing AEAD limits */
+    /* manually increase the send counter to be past
+     * the GCM usage limit */
+    co->key_ctx_bi.encrypt.plaintext_blocks = 1ul << 40;
+    bool epoch = (co->flags & CO_EPOCH_DATA_KEY_FORMAT);
+    int expected_epoch = epoch ? 4 : 0;
+    /* Ensure that we are still on the initial key (unit test uses 4)
+     * or that it is 0 when epoch is not in use */
+    assert_int_equal(co->key_ctx_bi.encrypt.epoch, expected_epoch);
+    encrypt_one_packet(co, 1000);
+    /* either epoch key has been updated or warning is enabled */
+    if (epoch && !chachapoly)
+    {
+        expected_epoch++;
+    }
+    assert_int_equal(co->key_ctx_bi.encrypt.epoch, expected_epoch);
+    if (!epoch)
+    {
+        /* Check always against the GCM usage limit here to see if that
+         * check works */
+        assert_true(aead_usage_limit_reached((1ull << 36),
+                                             &co->key_ctx_bi.encrypt,
+                                             co->packet_id.send.id));
+        return;
+    }
+    /* Move to the end of the epoch data key send PID range, ChachaPoly
+     * should now also move to a new epoch data key */
+    co->packet_id.send.id = PACKET_ID_EPOCH_MAX;
+    encrypt_one_packet(co, 1000);
+    encrypt_one_packet(co, 1000);
+    expected_epoch++;
+    assert_int_equal(co->key_ctx_bi.encrypt.epoch, expected_epoch);
 struct crypto_options
@@ -428,16 +523,21 @@ 
 static void
 run_data_channel_with_cipher_epoch(const char *cipher)
+    bool ischacha = !strcmp(cipher, "ChaCha20-Poly1305");
     struct crypto_options co = init_crypto_options(cipher, "none", true, NULL);
+    check_aead_limits(&co, ischacha);
 static void
 run_data_channel_with_cipher(const char *cipher, const char *auth)
+    bool ischacha = !strcmp(cipher, "ChaCha20-Poly1305");
     struct crypto_options co = init_crypto_options(cipher, auth, false, NULL);
+    check_aead_limits(&co, ischacha);