[Openvpn-devel,S] Change in openvpn[master]: route: handle default gateway (net_gateway) and nexthop towards VPN s...

Message ID c73e63adf423c67fc8164fc3c7be4541b92457c2-HTML@gerrit.openvpn.net
State New
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Series [Openvpn-devel,S] Change in openvpn[master]: route: handle default gateway (net_gateway) and nexthop towards VPN s... | expand

Commit Message

d12fk (Code Review) Feb. 25, 2025, 9:49 a.m. UTC
Attention is currently required from: flichtenheld, plaisthos.

Hello plaisthos, flichtenheld,

I'd like you to do a code review.
Please visit


to review the following change.

Change subject: route: handle default gateway (net_gateway) and nexthop towards VPN server separately

route: handle default gateway (net_gateway) and nexthop towards VPN server separately

Right now there is the assumption that the gateway used for net_gateway is the same used to reach the VPN server.
However, these two gateways may be different (i.e. when there is a specific hostroute for the VPN server using a different nexthop).
For this reason we must adapt init_route_list() to fetch the two gateways separately.

Change-Id: Ifc54be34101c0eb0f3dc479a9480d7219628cc76
M src/openvpn/route.c
1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh://gerrit.openvpn.net:29418/openvpn refs/changes/02/902/1


diff --git a/src/openvpn/route.c b/src/openvpn/route.c
index bc41492..3ddc333 100644
--- a/src/openvpn/route.c
+++ b/src/openvpn/route.c
@@ -655,10 +655,12 @@ 
         rl->spec.flags |= RTSA_DEFAULT_METRIC;
-    get_default_gateway(&rl->rgi, remote_host != IPV4_INVALID_ADDR ? remote_host : INADDR_ANY, ctx);
-    if (rl->rgi.flags & RGI_ADDR_DEFINED)
+    struct route_gateway_info ngi;
+    get_default_gateway(&ngi, INADDR_ANY, ctx);
+    if (ngi.flags & RGI_ADDR_DEFINED)
-        setenv_route_addr(es, "net_gateway", rl->rgi.gateway.addr, -1);
+        setenv_route_addr(es, "net_gateway", ngi.gateway.addr, -1);
 #if defined(ENABLE_DEBUG) && !defined(ENABLE_SMALL)
         print_default_gateway(D_ROUTE, &rl->rgi, NULL);
@@ -668,6 +670,8 @@ 
         dmsg(D_ROUTE, "ROUTE: default_gateway=UNDEF");
+    get_default_gateway(&rl->rgi, remote_host != IPV4_INVALID_ADDR ? remote_host : INADDR_ANY, ctx);
     if (rl->spec.flags & RTSA_REMOTE_HOST)
         rl->spec.remote_host_local = test_local_addr(remote_host, &rl->rgi);
@@ -818,10 +822,12 @@ 
     msg(D_ROUTE, "GDG6: remote_host_ipv6=%s",
         remote_host_ipv6 ?  print_in6_addr(*remote_host_ipv6, 0, &gc) : "n/a" );
-    get_default_gateway_ipv6(&rl6->rgi6, remote_host_ipv6, ctx);
-    if (rl6->rgi6.flags & RGI_ADDR_DEFINED)
+    struct route_ipv6_gateway_info ngi6;
+    get_default_gateway_ipv6(&ngi6, NULL, ctx);
+    if (ngi6.flags & RGI_ADDR_DEFINED)
-        setenv_str(es, "net_gateway_ipv6", print_in6_addr(rl6->rgi6.gateway.addr_ipv6, 0, &gc));
+        setenv_str(es, "net_gateway_ipv6", print_in6_addr(ngi6.gateway.addr_ipv6, 0, &gc));
 #if defined(ENABLE_DEBUG) && !defined(ENABLE_SMALL)
         print_default_gateway(D_ROUTE, NULL, &rl6->rgi6);
@@ -831,6 +837,8 @@ 
         dmsg(D_ROUTE, "ROUTE6: default_gateway=UNDEF");
+    get_default_gateway_ipv6(&rl6->rgi6, remote_host_ipv6, ctx);
     if (is_route_parm_defined( remote_endpoint ))
         if (inet_pton( AF_INET6, remote_endpoint,