[Openvpn-devel,M] Change in openvpn[master]: PUSH_UPDATE: Added update_option() function.

Message ID ef88f68fd4d7c3955fade1b61f33f2c7830badbc-HTML@gerrit.openvpn.net
State New
Headers show
Series [Openvpn-devel,M] Change in openvpn[master]: PUSH_UPDATE: Added update_option() function. | expand

Commit Message

flichtenheld (Code Review) Nov. 20, 2024, 5:42 p.m. UTC
Attention is currently required from: flichtenheld, plaisthos.

Hello plaisthos, flichtenheld,

I'd like you to do a code review.
Please visit


to review the following change.

Change subject: PUSH_UPDATE: Added update_option() function.

PUSH_UPDATE: Added update_option() function.

When the function receives an option to update, it first checks whether it has
already received an option of the same type within the same update message.
If it has already received it, it simply calls add_option(), otherwise it
deletes all the values ​​already present regarding that option.

Change-Id: Ia45c99e6df7b3ad24020c10b8a9b3577984ecdc2
Signed-off-by: Marco Baffo <marco@mandelbit.com>
M src/openvpn/options.c
1 file changed, 216 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh://gerrit.openvpn.net:29418/openvpn refs/changes/10/810/1


diff --git a/src/openvpn/options.c b/src/openvpn/options.c
index 5b4419d..49bd242 100644
--- a/src/openvpn/options.c
+++ b/src/openvpn/options.c
@@ -5759,6 +5759,216 @@ 
     msg(msglevel, "Error occurred trying to remove %s option", p[0]);
+static void
+update_option(struct context *c,
+              struct options *options,
+              char *p[],
+              bool is_inline,
+              const char *file,
+              int line,
+              const int level,
+              const int msglevel,
+              const unsigned int permission_mask,
+              unsigned int *option_types_found,
+              struct env_set *es,
+              unsigned int *update_options_found)
+    const bool pull_mode = BOOL_CAST(permission_mask & OPT_P_PULL_MODE);
+    ASSERT(MAX_PARMS >= 7);
+    if (streq(p[0], "route") && p[1] && !p[5])
+    {
+        if (!(*update_options_found & OPT_P_U_ROUTE))
+        {
+            rol_check_alloc(options);
+            if (pull_mode)
+            {
+                if (!ip_or_dns_addr_safe(p[1], options->allow_pull_fqdn) && !is_special_addr(p[1])) /* FQDN -- may be DNS name */
+                {
+                    msg(msglevel, "route parameter network/IP '%s' must be a valid address", p[1]);
+                    goto err;
+                }
+                if (p[2] && !ip_addr_dotted_quad_safe(p[2])) /* FQDN -- must be IP address */
+                {
+                    msg(msglevel, "route parameter netmask '%s' must be an IP address", p[2]);
+                    goto err;
+                }
+                if (p[3] && !ip_or_dns_addr_safe(p[3], options->allow_pull_fqdn) && !is_special_addr(p[3])) /* FQDN -- may be DNS name */
+                {
+                    msg(msglevel, "route parameter gateway '%s' must be a valid address", p[3]);
+                    goto err;
+                }
+            }
+            if (c->c1.route_list)
+            {
+                destroy_routes_v4(c->c1.route_list, c->c1.tuntap,
+                                  ROUTE_OPTION_FLAGS(&c->options),
+                                  es, &c->net_ctx, options);
+            }
+            *update_options_found |= OPT_P_U_ROUTE;
+        }
+    }
+    else if (streq(p[0], "route-ipv6") && p[1] && !p[4])
+    {
+        if (!(*update_options_found & OPT_P_U_ROUTE6))
+        {
+            rol6_check_alloc(options);
+            if (pull_mode)
+            {
+                if (!ipv6_addr_safe_hexplusbits(p[1]))
+                {
+                    msg(msglevel, "route-ipv6 parameter network/IP '%s' must be a valid address", p[1]);
+                    goto err;
+                }
+                if (p[2] && !ipv6_addr_safe(p[2]))
+                {
+                    msg(msglevel, "route-ipv6 parameter gateway '%s' must be a valid address", p[2]);
+                    goto err;
+                }
+                /* p[3] is metric, if present */
+            }
+            if (c->c1.route_ipv6_list)
+            {
+                destroy_routes_v6(c->c1.route_ipv6_list, c->c1.tuntap,
+                                  ROUTE_OPTION_FLAGS(&c->options),
+                                  es, &c->net_ctx, options);
+            }
+            *update_options_found |= OPT_P_U_ROUTE6;
+        }
+    }
+    else if (streq(p[0], "redirect-gateway") || streq(p[0], "redirect-private"))
+    {
+        if (!(*update_options_found & OPT_P_U_REDIR_GATEWAY))
+        {
+            if (options->routes)
+            {
+                options->routes->flags = 0;
+            }
+            if (options->routes_ipv6)
+            {
+                options->routes_ipv6->flags = 0;
+            }
+            *update_options_found |= OPT_P_U_REDIR_GATEWAY;
+        }
+    }
+    else if (streq(p[0], "dns") && p[1])
+    {
+        if (!(*update_options_found & OPT_P_U_DNS))
+        {
+            if (streq(p[1], "server") && p[2] && p[3] && p[4])
+            {
+                long priority;
+                if (!dns_server_priority_parse(&priority, p[2], pull_mode))
+                {
+                    msg(msglevel, "--dns server: invalid priority value '%s'", p[2]);
+                    goto err;
+                }
+                struct dns_server server;
+                CLEAR(server);
+                if (streq(p[3], "address") && p[4])
+                {
+                    for (int i = 4; p[i]; ++i)
+                    {
+                        if (!dns_server_addr_parse(&server, p[i]))
+                        {
+                            msg(msglevel, "--dns server %ld: malformed address or maximum exceeded '%s'", priority, p[i]);
+                            goto err;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                else if (streq(p[3], "dnssec") && !p[5])
+                {
+                    if (!streq(p[4], "yes") && !streq(p[4], "no") && !streq(p[4], "optional"))
+                    {
+                        msg(msglevel, "--dns server %ld: malformed dnssec value '%s'", priority, p[4]);
+                        goto err;
+                    }
+                }
+                else if (streq(p[3], "transport") && !p[5])
+                {
+                    if (!streq(p[4], "plain") && !streq(p[4], "DoH") && !streq(p[4], "DoT"))
+                    {
+                        msg(msglevel, "--dns server %ld: malformed transport value '%s'", priority, p[4]);
+                        goto err;
+                    }
+                }
+                else if (!streq(p[3], "resolve-domains")
+                         && !(streq(p[3], "sni") && !p[5]))
+                {
+                    msg(msglevel, "--dns server %ld: unknown option type '%s' or missing or unknown parameter", priority, p[3]);
+                    goto err;
+                }
+            }
+            else if (!(streq(p[1], "search-domains") && p[2]))
+            {
+                msg(msglevel, "--dns: unknown option type '%s' or missing or unknown parameter", p[1]);
+                goto err;
+            }
+            gc_free(&options->dns_options.gc);
+            CLEAR(options->dns_options);
+            *update_options_found |= OPT_P_U_DNS;
+        }
+    }
+#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(TARGET_ANDROID)
+    else if (streq(p[0], "dhcp-option") && p[1] && !p[3])
+    {
+        if (!(*update_options_found & OPT_P_U_DHCP))
+        {
+            struct tuntap_options *o = &options->tuntap_options;
+            o->domain = NULL;
+            o->netbios_scope = NULL;
+            o->netbios_node_type = 0;
+            o->dns6_len = 0;
+            CLEAR(o->dns6);
+            o->dns_len = 0;
+            CLEAR(o->dns);
+            o->wins_len = 0;
+            CLEAR(o->wins);
+            o->ntp_len = 0;
+            CLEAR(o->ntp);
+            o->nbdd_len = 0;
+            CLEAR(o->nbdd);
+            while (o->domain_search_list_len-- > 0)
+            {
+                o->domain_search_list[o->domain_search_list_len] = NULL;
+            }
+            o->disable_nbt = 0;
+            o->dhcp_options = 0;
+#if defined(TARGET_ANDROID)
+            o->http_proxy_port = 0;
+            o->http_proxy = NULL;
+            *update_options_found |= OPT_P_U_DHCP;
+        }
+    }
+#else /* if defined(_WIN32) || defined(TARGET_ANDROID) */
+    else if (streq(p[0], "dhcp-option") && p[1] && !p[3])
+    {
+        if (!(*update_options_found & OPT_P_U_DHCP))
+        {
+            delete_all_dhcp_fo(options, &es->list);
+            *update_options_found |= OPT_P_U_DHCP;
+        }
+    }
+#endif /* if defined(_WIN32) || defined(TARGET_ANDROID) */
+    add_option(options, p, is_inline, file, line,
+               level, msglevel, permission_mask,
+               option_types_found, es);
+    return;
+    msg(msglevel, "Error occurred trying to update %s option", p[0]);
 apply_push_options(struct context *c,
                    struct options *options,
@@ -5772,6 +5982,7 @@ 
     int line_num = 0;
     const char *file = "[PUSH-OPTIONS]";
     const int msglevel = D_PUSH_ERRORS|M_OPTERR;
+    unsigned int update_options_found = 0;
     while (buf_parse(buf, ',', line, sizeof(line)))
@@ -5797,6 +6008,11 @@ 
                 remove_option(c, options, p, false, file, line_num, msglevel,
                               permission_mask, option_types_found, es);
+            else
+            {
+                update_option(c, options, p, false, file, line_num, 0, msglevel,
+                              permission_mask, option_types_found, es, &update_options_found);
+            }
     return true;