[Openvpn-devel,XS] Change in openvpn[master]: configure.ac: Remove unused AC_TYPE_SIGNAL macro

Message ID e6dea37a1b9d7bf9e4a05eb769f794b4920f6e3d-HTML@gerrit.openvpn.net
State Superseded
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Series [Openvpn-devel,XS] Change in openvpn[master]: configure.ac: Remove unused AC_TYPE_SIGNAL macro | expand

Commit Message

cron2 (Code Review) Nov. 21, 2023, 12:54 p.m. UTC
Attention is currently required from: plaisthos.

Hello plaisthos,

I'd like you to do a code review.
Please visit


to review the following change.

Change subject: configure.ac: Remove unused AC_TYPE_SIGNAL macro

configure.ac: Remove unused AC_TYPE_SIGNAL macro

Recent autoconf warns:
configure.ac:448: warning: The macro `AC_TYPE_SIGNAL' is obsolete.

And it turns out that we do not actually use RETSIGTYPE.
Additionally, there is no reason to do so since as the
autoconf documentation says:
"These days, it is portable to assume C89, and that signal
handlers return void, without needing to use this macro or

Change-Id: I7da7c2d7d34c7e5efd52d448646b4398a1005e77
Signed-off-by: Frank Lichtenheld <frank@lichtenheld.com>
M configure.ac
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

  git pull ssh://gerrit.openvpn.net:29418/openvpn refs/changes/53/453/1


diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 84eaad6..5cc55c3 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -445,7 +445,6 @@ 
 AC_CHECK_SIZEOF([unsigned int])
 AC_CHECK_SIZEOF([unsigned long])